222 research outputs found

    Desempenho agro-econômico do consórcio entre feijão-comum e Brachiaria ruziziensis implantado simultâneamente na safrinha do médio-norte matogrossense.

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    Esse trabalho objetivou analisar o desempenho agro-econômico de oito consórcios entre feijão-comum e Brachiaria ruziziensis implantados simultaneamente na safrinha do médio-norte matogrossense, submetidos ou não, á dose reduzida de graminicida.CONAFE

    Desempenho agro-econômico do feijoeiro comum semeado em duas época da safrinha no médio-norte matogrossense.

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    Esse trabalho objetivou determinar e analisar os indicadores agro-econômicos de nove cultivares do feijoeiro comum, semeadas na safrinha do ano agrícola de 2010-11 em duas épocas distintas (15/02/2011 e 25/02/2011) dentro do município de Sinop (MT).CONAFE

    Upland rice under zero tillage in Brazil: Cultivar performance and soil management for early vigour improvement.

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    In Brazil, upland (rainfed) rice aka aerobic rice is planted on approximately 1.5 M ha. In the 1970s and 1980s, it was a common pioneer crop after deforestation with almost 4.5 M ha planted each year. The average grain yield of cultivars like Araguaia and Guarani ranged from 2.0 to 3.0 t ha-1, but the grain type (long and wide with low amylose content) resulted in a sticky rice after cooking. It was rejected by the consumers once long and slender, non-sticky irrigated rice was introduced in the market. Studies were initiated to tackle those problems, as an attempt to enable the cultivation of upland rice under ZT in acid tropical soils in the Brazilian Cerrado and Amazonia biome. Field experiments started for investigating the potential of modern upland rice cultivars at different row spacing to enable the use of the same ZT planter used for soybean (40-cm spacing), the interaction of seed chemical treatment and furrow compaction on rice plant mortality by termites in the early growth stages, and the effect of cover crops on mulching and soil NO3- and NH4+. Material and Method

    Crop-Livestock Systems: the potential of fertilized mixed pastures in the off-season.

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    The livestock systems are mostly forage-based and the off-season is the most challenging period of the year in Brazil. Mixed pastures established after cropping soybean can greatly enhance the herbage accumulation in crop-livestock systems. Besides, fertilization is not a common practice during the off-season, although, in the Amazon Biome, there is no temperature or photoperiod restrictions. Our objective was to evaluate the fertilization effect on the mixed of Sorghum bicolor (L). Moench cv. BRS 810 with Urochloa ruziziensis during the off-season in Sinop, MT, Brazil. The experiment was planted after soybean harvest, on 10 Mar. 2020, at the Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril, Sinop, MT, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three fertilizations inputs and three replicates. The thee treatments were 0 (control), 25, and 50 kg/ha of N and K in the form of urea + ammonium sulphate and potassium chloride, which were applied on 2 April. Herbage mass was harvested using three quadrats (0.5 m2) per plot, at 20-cm stubble height, to calculate herbage accumulation (HA). The plots were harvest on 20 Apr. (when the sorghum canopy height was higher than 120 cm), 18 May and 15 June. The fertilization rate did not affect Urochloa ruziziensis HA (3505 kg DM/ha). The Sorghum bicolor HA was the greatest under 25 kg/ha of fertilizer (4870 kg DM/ha), and the control was the least (3435 kg DM/ha). The input of 50 kg/ha of fertilizer was similar to both, averaging 4240 kg DM/ha. The mixed HA (Urochloa ruziziensis + Sorghum bicolor) was similar regardless of the fertilizer input (on average, 7690 kg DM/ha). We concluded that 25 kg/ha of fertilizer increased Sorghum bicolor HA improving the forage budget during the off-season

    Incidence and Survival of Hospitalized Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in Four US Communities (from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study)

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    Most population-based estimates of incident hospitalized heart failure (HF) have not differentiated acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) from chronic stable HF nor included racially diverse populations. The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study conducted surveillance of hospitalized HF events (age ≥55 years) in 4 US communities. We estimated hospitalized ADHF incidence and survival by race and gender. Potential 2005 to 2009 HF hospitalizations were identified by International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, codes; 6,168 records were reviewed to validate ADHF cases. Population estimates were derived from US Census data; 50% of eligible hospitalizations were classified as ADHF, of which 63.6% were incident ADHF and 36.4% were recurrent ADHF. The average incidence of hospitalized ADHF was 11.6 per 1,000 persons, aged ≥55 years, per year, and recurrent hospitalized ADHF was 6.6 per 1,000 persons/yr. Age-adjusted annual ADHF incidence was highest for black men (15.7 per 1,000), followed by black women (13.3 per 1,000), white men (12.3 per 1,000), and white women (9.9 per 1,000). Of incident ADHF events with heart function assessment (89%), 53% had reduced the ejection fraction (heart failure with reduced ejection fraction [HFrEF]) and 47% had preserved ejection fraction (heart failure with preserved ejection fraction [HFpEF]). Black men had the highest proportion of acute HFrEF events (70%); white women had the highest proportion of acute HFpEF (59%). Age-adjusted 28-day and 1-year case fatality after an incident ADHF was 10.4% and 29.5%, respectively. Survival did not differ by race or gender. In conclusion, ADHF hospitalization and HF type varied by both race and gender, but case fatality rates did not. Further studies are needed to explain why black men are at higher risk of hospitalized ADHF and HFrEF

    Crescimento vegetativo de porta-enxertos cítricos sob limeira ácida 'Tahiti' em Mato Grosso.

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    Resumo: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar variáveis de crescimento vegetativo de limeira ácida ?Tahiti CNPMF 02? enxertada em porta-enxertos em Sorriso, MT e Guarantã do Norte, MT. Os porta-enxertos foram: citrandarin ?Indio? [C. sunki (Hayata) hort ex Tanaka x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. ?English?] (CTRI) e ?San Diego? (C. sunki x P. trifoliata ?Swingle?) (CTRSD), citrumelo ?Swingle? (C. paradisi Macfad. x P. trifoliata) (CTSW), limoeiro ?Cravo?, clones ?Santa Cruz? e ?CNPMF-003?, tangerineira ?Sunki Tropical? (C. sunki) e os híbridos HTR - 069, TSKC x (LCR x TR) - 059, LVK x LCR - 038, TSKC x CTSW ? 028, LRF x (LCR x TR) - 005, TSKC x TRFD 003 e 006. Aos 3,5 anos até os 4,5 anos de idade foram avaliadas as seguintes características: altura de planta, diâmetro do caule, diâmetro e volume da copa e índice de vigor vegetativo. Em relação às características avaliadas, observou-se que a tangerineira ?Sunki Tropical?, o citrandarin ?Indio? e o ?San Diego? determinaram maior vigor à copa da limeira ácida ?Tahiti, ocorrendo o comportamento inverso em relação ao crescimento dos híbridos HTR - 069, TSKC x CTSW ? 028, LRF x (LCR x TR) - 005, TSKC x TRFD 003 e 006. | Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate vegetative growth variables of acid lemon tree 'Tahiti CNPMF 02' grafted on rootstocks in Sorriso , MT and Guarantã do Norte, MT. The rootstocks were: citrandarin 'Indio' [C. sunki (Hayata) hort ex Tanaka x Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf. 'English'] (CTRI) and 'San Diego' (C. sunki x P. trifoliata 'Swingle') (CTRSD), 'Swingle' citrumelo (C. paradisi Macfad. x P. trifoliata) (CTSW), 'CRAVO' lemon tree ', clones 'Santa Cruz' and 'CNPMF-003', 'Sunki Tropical' tangerine tree (C. sunki) and hybrids HTR - 069, TSKC x (LCR x TR) - 059, LVK x LCR - 038, TSKC x CTSW ? 028, LRF x (LCR x TR) - 005, TSKC x TRFD 003 and 006. From 3.5 years to 4.5 years of age, the following characteristics were evaluated: plant height, stem diameter, diameter and volume of crown and vegetative vigor index. Regarding to the characteristics evaluated, it was observed that 'Sunki Tropical' tangerine tree, 'Indio' and 'San Diego' citrandarin determined greater canopy vigor of the 'Tahiti acid lime tree, occurring the opposite behavior in relation to the growth of HTR hybrids. - 069, TSKC x CTSW - 028, LRF x (LCR x TR) - 005, TSKC x TRFD 003 and 006.ODS 2, ODS 1

    Integrated crop-livestock-forestry systems as potential carbon sinks.

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    Mixed farming systems have great potential to combine food production with environmental services, including climate change mitigation and biodiversity preservation. This study contributed to the evaluation of integrated crop-livestock (ICL) and crop-livestock-forestry (ICLF) production systems from the point of view of their potential for carbon (C) sequestration in the soil and in the production system as a whole